Welcome to Intelligent and Autonomous Systems (IAS) Lab.
About us
Intelligent and Autonomous Systems Laboratory (IAS Lab, 지능자율시스템연구실) is led by Professor Soyi Jung (정소이) at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Korea. IAS's research focuses on AI-based mobility/networks such as
AI-powered Network Management and Control for Mobility Systems
Applications: Autonomous Vehicles, Connected Vehicles
AI-driven Network Management and Control for Advanced Aerial Systems
Applications: UAV, UAM, Drone Taxi
AI-enhanced Robotics Control
Applications: Excavators, Industrial Robots
AI-integrated Communication Systems
Applications: HAPs, LEO Networks, Beyond 5G
[2024.07] 우리 연구실이 LG전자 Target Lab으로 선정되었습니다.
We are looking for highly motivated undergrad and M.S./Ph. D. students. Please send me an e-mail (sjung@ajou.ac.kr) with your CV. Please feel free to drop by our IAS Instagram if you want to know more details.
아주대학교 지능자율시스템연구실에서는 학부인턴, 석사과정, 박사과정 학생을 모집하고 있습니다. 진학을 희망하는 학생은 연락 바랍니다.
포닥을 원하시는 박사님도 메일로 CV와 함께 연락 바랍니다.
💙 이메일 : sjung@ajou.ac.kr
💙 카카오톡 오픈채팅 : https://open.kakao.com/me/jungsoyi
💙 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/ias_ajou
지능자율시스템 연구실 (IAS Lab.)