Research and Academic Excellence
추계종합학술발표회 학부 논문 우수상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (November 2023)
Paper Title: 강화학습 기반 자율 주차 시뮬레이션 구현동계종합학술발표회 해동우수논문상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (February 2023)
Paper Title: 위성-지상 기지국 간 슬림형 양자 인공 신경망을 활용한 동적 양자 연합학습 프레임워크추계종합학술발표회 우수논문상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (February 2023)
Paper Title: 자가학습 기반 Hybrid MAC을 적용한 군용 UAV 통신 모델 연구하계종합학술발표회 학부 우수논문상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (November 2022)
Paper Title: 무인이동체 기지국 Tethering 기반 3차원 공간통신시스템 설계 및 구현하계컴퓨터통신 워크샵 우수논문상, KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) (August 2022)
Paper Title: Unity 기반 자폭용 드론 공격의 강화학습 시각화 및 시뮬레이션 연구IEEE VTS Seoul Chapter Award, IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) (August 2022)
Paper Title: DDPG-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Loitering Munition Mobility Control: Algorithm Design and VisualizationSpotlight, Oral Presentation, ICML Workshop on Dynamic Neural Networks (July 2022)
Paper Title: Slimmable Quantum Federated Learning동계종합학술발표회 우수논문상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (June 2022)
Paper Title: 객체 탐지를 위한 신경망 구조 탐색 연구 동향하계종합학술발표회 학부 우수논문상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (November 2021)
Paper Title: 자율주행 환경에서 Unity-RL을 이용한 심층강화학습 시각화 및 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구IEEE VTS Seoul Chapter Award, IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) (August 2021)
Paper Title: Quantum Scheduling for Millimeter-Wave Observation Satellite ConstellationIEEE VTS Seoul Chapter Award, IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) (August 2021)
Paper Title: Distributed and Autonomous Aerial Data Collection in Smart City Surveillance ApplicationsBest Paper Award, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) (January 2021)
Paper Title: Infrastructure-Assisted Cooperative Multi-UAV Deep Reinforcement Energy Trading Learning for Big-Data Processing
Media Coverage: [Ajou News][Korea Lecturer News]ICT 논문 공모대제전 장려상, KIISE (Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers) (December 2019)
Paper Title: Reducing Consecutive Collisions in Sensing Based Semi Persistent Scheduling for Cellular-V2X
Media Coverage: [Ajou News][Electronics Times]Bronze Paper Award, IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest (December 2019)
Paper Title: Enhanced Resource Selection Algorithm of 3GPP C-V2X Communication국내논문지 우수논문상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (November 2017)
Paper Title: 소형셀 환경에서 사용자 컨텍스트 기반 무선 캐시 알고리즘젊은여성연구자상, WISET (Korea Center for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology), KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (November 2015)
동계종합학술발표회 우수논문상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (June 2015)
Paper Title: 소형셀 환경에서 사용자의 context를 반영한 캐시 기법
Academic Servies
한국통신학회 학회공로상, KICS (Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) (November 2022)